Whether you realize it or not, if you’re in business - something about how you do business - is different. That differentiating factor is what makes you stand out from the thousands of businesses like yours in the market. Even if you’ve never considered what that differentiating factor, or what it’s worth - it has tremendous value. Whether or not you’re aware, it’s guaranteed that if you’re disrupting an industry, or even just doing things in your own unique way - You have a Trader Secret.

TEIL is offering a Brand NEW Trade Secrets service to our catalog. Trade Secrets are complicated, but they don’t have to be a headache. With our service you can rest easy knowing the most valuable parts of your business are in good hands.

Our Full Suit Service Includes:

  1. Identification and Preparation of Trade Secrets

  2. Trade Secret Security

  3. Trade Secret Litigation

Click the button below to start protecting your business assets.