Posts in Market
Business Etiquette & Your Bottom Line

Culture is very important in business and has an impact on the strategic direction of business. Culture influences management, decisions and all business functions from accounting to production. Don’t just think in terms of the national culture but also in business think of meetings, negotiation, formalities, social media use, internships and work placements hierarchy.

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Outsourcing: Is It A Good Idea For Your Business?

So outsourcing is not just international, not just for the largest corporations and not just for saving money why then do some companies skip outsourcing?

A lot of companies don't outsource simply because they don't even realize the option is there. Without a creative mind on your team - it can sometimes be difficult to discover any way that outsourcing could be helpful. Ever heard of Influencer Marketing?

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Bank Guarantee VS Letter Of Credit

For example, a letter of credit could be used in the delivery of goods or the completion of a service. The seller may request that the buyer obtain a letter of credit before the transaction occurs. The buyer purchases the letter of credit from a bank and forwards it to the seller's bank. This letter substitutes the bank's credit for that of its client, ensuring correct and timely payment.

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Safer International Shopping

Commercial letters of credit have been used for centuries to enhance payment in international trade. It is a contractual agreement between banks, known as the issuing bank, on behalf of one of its customers, authorizing another bank, known as the advising or confirming bank, to make payment to the beneficiary.

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Even More Ways To Legally Protect Your Brand

Many founders know to trademark their logo/brand name; however, many founders overlook protecting their Web content. Once certified, and the copyright on your website to act as a deterrent for content thieves.

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5 Steps to Protect Your Brand Trademark

It’s your responsibility to monitor trademark registrations that might conflict with your registered mark. An intellectual property attorney or trademark monitoring services can help this process.

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