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Expanding into new territory is an exciting venture, but not without its risks. Before consideration of globalization, you should have a trustworthy International Attorney on retainer to ensure smooth transition. In partnership with your attorney, there are three critical points of action that will help you to avoid any catastrophes in the process…
Read MoreThis simultaneous overlapping of several distinct types of unlawful conduct can engender incorrect assumptions among many that IP can be "stolen". The theft is typically not as much about the removal of physical property but the intellectual product that makes any physical product or service of value…
Read MoreIn your application, you are able to directly designate the countries in which you'd like your Trademark to be protected. You can designate any number of countries as long as they're a member of the Madrid System. The registration for international Trademarks will last for 10 years and all associated fees are paid to the WIPO.
Like any nearly "perfect" system - the System has its flaws - namely that all nations globally are not a member of the Madrid Agreement. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages by far. Even in the event you wish to register in a country singularly that is not included- you're able to file one application for many other countries in bulk.
Read MorePatents and Copyrights live for a certain number of years, and you have to renew them. They can actually be in effect for the life of the product/service/company. Your registration does require filing and fees paid at regular intervals to ensure it stays in effect forever.
Read MoreYou should consider registering your mark in any country in which you currently offer your products or services under that mark. You should also consider filing in those countries where you intend to use the mark for your products or services in the future. The use of a mark is not a prerequisite for filing an application in most countries; however, some countries do have use requirements.
Read MoreThe main contributor to the Chinese GDP is manufacturing. “Made in China” used to mean “low-cost labor stuff.” China has now transformed itself and although fewer products may be made in China, they are still within the region and Chinese products will be slightly more expensive.
Read MoreIt’s your responsibility to monitor trademark registrations that might conflict with your registered mark. An intellectual property attorney or trademark monitoring services can help this process.
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