Posts tagged Contract Law
Unlocking Efficiency: Improving Supplier Information Quality
Navigating Trade Secrets in a Complex Global Landscape
Who Owns the Copyright When AI is Involved?
Don't Let the Details Derail Your Dreams: Navigating Packaging, Compliance, and Beyond in Mexico
Going Global? 5 Things To Keep In Mind As You Expand Operations Overseas 

Expanding into new territory is an exciting venture, but not without its risks. Before consideration of globalization, you should have a trustworthy International Attorney on retainer to ensure smooth transition. In partnership with your attorney, there are three critical points of action that will help you to avoid any catastrophes in the process…

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Closing The Wage Gap: What Businesses Should Know About Governor Pritzker's New Law Aimed At Gender Equity

This new law means for employees seeking to earn a fair wage in proportion to their worth and earning potential - they'll earn what they're worth - not just a few dollars up from their last role. Many employees, namely women, are held down under what is commonly known as the "wage gap". 

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Case Value: Money For Your Pain

Not only do we want to know what your damages are, but we also what to know what evidence you have that we will use to prove your case.

In a discrimination case we want to know if you were injured, either mentally, psychologically, emotionally, or physically. We look for proof: did you go see a doctor and was there a bill. Was there retaliation? Did you lose your job or work overtime? What are your current wages, what should they have been, and do you have the taxes and pay stubs to prove it?

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