Posts tagged International Branding
Fashion Forward: Navigating the Compliance Landscape in the Apparel Industry
Agreement, Business, Branding, Business News, Canada, Compliance, Entreprenuership, Foreign Policy, Foreign Trade, Fashion, International Business, International Law, Litigation, Mexico, Market, Online Business, Op-Ed, Opinion Pieces, Outsourcing, Textile, Trade Compliance, USMCA, ValuationTEIL Firms, LLCForeign Trade, Fashion Compliance, Fashion Industry, Fashion, Garments, Garment, Textile, Textile Compliance, Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, Textile Labeling, Textile Labeling Violation, Labeling, Clothing Labeling, Mislabeling, Adhesive Labels, Permanent Labels, Permanent Labeling, High Fashion, Women In Business, Compliance, Non-Compliance, U.S. Compliance, Product Compliance, Legal Compliance, Trade Compliance, Regulatory Compliance, International Compliance, Compliance Regulation, Consumer Goods, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Consumer Product Safety Comission, Consumer Complaints, Whistleblower, Whistleblower Report, Industry Associations, Fashion Industry Association, Toxic Substances Control Act, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), TSCA, Audit, Audits, Apparel, EPA, Environmental Responsibility, Environmental Regulation, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Labor, DOL, Workforce, Workplace Ethics, Working Conditions, Safety Standards, Consumer Protection Safety Commission, Consumer Protection Safety Commission (CPSC), CPSC, Technology, Fashion Technology, Logistics, Shipping, Import, Importing, Imports, U.S.-Canada Trade, U.S.-World Trade, U.S.-Mexico Trade, Mexico, Canada, USMCA, United States, Exporting, Exports, Export, International Trade, International Trade Attorney, International BrandingComment
Navigating Trademarks in Canada: A Guide for American Business Owners
A Comprehensive Guide: Importing Goods from South Africa to the United States
Before You Start Trading with China or the EU…Read This
Going Global? 5 Things To Keep In Mind As You Expand Operations Overseas 

Expanding into new territory is an exciting venture, but not without its risks. Before consideration of globalization, you should have a trustworthy International Attorney on retainer to ensure smooth transition. In partnership with your attorney, there are three critical points of action that will help you to avoid any catastrophes in the process…

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Business Etiquette & Your Bottom Line

Culture is very important in business and has an impact on the strategic direction of business. Culture influences management, decisions and all business functions from accounting to production. Don’t just think in terms of the national culture but also in business think of meetings, negotiation, formalities, social media use, internships and work placements hierarchy.

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International Trademark Rights

You should consider registering your mark in any country in which you currently offer your products or services under that mark. You should also consider filing in those countries where you intend to use the mark for your products or services in the future. The use of a mark is not a prerequisite for filing an application in most countries; however, some countries do have use requirements.

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Made In China?

The main contributor to the Chinese GDP is manufacturing. “Made in China” used to mean “low-cost labor stuff.” China has now transformed itself and although fewer products may be made in China, they are still within the region and Chinese products will be slightly more expensive.

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International Branding: Why It's So Important

In the real business world, intellectual property is everywhere.  People and businesses know what their brand is, but not always how to protect it in Cyberspace or internationally.  A brand, which normally will be in the form of a logo, can be words or pictures in a certain font, color or color scheme. The brand associates the business with a feeling style or sound.

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