Posts in Intellectual Property
Who Owns the Copyright When AI is Involved?
The Invisible Asset: Why Social Capital Matters and How We Can Help Protect It
Safeguarding Your Innovation Abroad: How The Evans International Law Firms, LLC Protects Your Intellectual Property
Looking Toward The 2nd Biggest Trading Hub in Africa: Importing into Ethiopia
Trading With Mexico: Beyond Goods
Avoid Disaster: Navigating Common Challenges for Importers into Canada
Navigating Trademarks in Canada: A Guide for American Business Owners
A Comprehensive Guide: Importing Goods from South Africa to the United States
Going Global? 5 Things To Keep In Mind As You Expand Operations Overseas 

Expanding into new territory is an exciting venture, but not without its risks. Before consideration of globalization, you should have a trustworthy International Attorney on retainer to ensure smooth transition. In partnership with your attorney, there are three critical points of action that will help you to avoid any catastrophes in the process…

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How Does Infringement Affect Intellectual Property?

This simultaneous overlapping of several distinct types of unlawful conduct can engender incorrect assumptions among many that IP can be "stolen". The theft is typically not as much about the removal of physical property but the intellectual product that makes any physical product or service of value…

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